Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Loss

An unthinkable, unimaginable tragedy has occurred. You were just pregnant and today you’re grieving the loss of your baby(ies) and living a nightmare. Pregnancies sometimes end for unexplained reasons and finding a way to navigate the intense confusion and cope with what has happened, with or without concrete answers, can feel impossible.

For a variety of medical reasons, some women are advised to terminate a single pregnancy or one or more baby(ies) when pregnant with multiples. Making that decision and living with the aftermath is harder than you imagined it would be.


No matter what your story of loss, you’re struggling with how you are going to get through the most difficult time in your life and finding a sense of hope is not easy.  No one can possibly understand the emotions you’re going through even though they try, genuinely care, and want to help.

Grief counseling and support will:

  • Teach you about the cycle of grief and how to move through your own grief in the healthiest way possible and with greater strength
  • Help you to cope with sadness, anger, guilt, anxiety, confusion, numbness, hopelessness, and other feelings
  • Provide you with guidance as to how or when to talk to children, friends, family, coworkers, etc. about pregnancy loss
  • Allow you to emotionally work through losses never dealt with in the past
  • Assist you in surviving your loss with your partner and obtain the support you need, even though he/she may grieve differently
  • Guide you as to when/if to start trying to conceive again and determine what your loss means for your future
  • Aid you with the transition of returning to work and/or other areas your pre-pregnancy life, and to navigate associated challenges
  • Enable you to embrace a new pregnancy after a loss

Sessions can be offered to you and your partner individually, or as a couple, or as a combination of these at any point in your treatment. 

Child loss is not an event. It’s an indescribable journey of survival